Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Purchase '08/'09 Theme -- Environment

Just in case you were not already aware; the Purchase College Association annually indicates the combined fall and spring semesters with an adjoining theme. Just in case you were wondering; this years theme, that was shamelessly selected, is now "Environment." Yes! I knew this funky campus could take a stand against the negetive effects of Global Warming. How far did human-kind have to come to get to the state of realization that we presently are?
RAH-RAH - - The big bang surfaced an explosion that spread a riptide of energetic continuation. . . Some time passes. . . Harnessing philosophy and mathematics, humans were able to produce electrifying results. An infinite amount of possibile hypotheses with an infinite amount of results can lead to two things: mass insanity or mass sanity. If we were sane, we would tame the environment and if we were insane, we would let the dying world perish. Purchase College claims to want to help the Environment.
So logically, if somebody wanted to help the environment, then they would want to recycle their aluminum, paper and plastic products back into circulation. This idea is somehow blatantly common-knowledge. The simple concept of seeing paper, plastic and aluminum as recyclable natural resources seens almost hereditary to know at this point in the modern world. An innumerable account of discoveries in human history have zipped into consciousness as substantial and zipped out as plainly rhetorical ideas. ZING - - gone with the wind.
FLASH - - A light bulb! VROOM - - the engine! BOOM - - the A-Bomb. MmM - - the ipod. Oh, how I wonder what the onomatopoeia for "onomotapoeia" would be. The sweet harmony of sound is righteous. Therefore, whoever enjoys the sweet harmony of sound is a righteous being.
What of when the harmony is disturbed? I could stray many varied ways with that question, but instead, I will start by mentioning the harmony of life that I've noticed on Earth. Life beyond humans. Life that encompasses all things living on Earth. If this balance is broken into bits of rubble by pollution, then the ozone layer will deplete to a degree of unsustainability that will conclude inevitably that the Earth's harmony has been disturbed. Laziness. Such events could be prevented so long as the environment was kept clean. Humans must consciously help clean! Cleansliness means healthiness and if this world is clean then there will be no further concern regarding the health problems that planet Earth faces. You think Cancer's bad? Imagine how the intire planet would feel during it's undergoing of cardiac-arrest! Far out, I know.
Environmental friendliness is at its peak right now within the minds of most Americans. Purchase College is stepping up to the plate as a University and saying, "Yes we can help make a difference." It is a good initial start to say that making a difference is on the menu, but to actually cook up a delicious recipe to enthuse people into buying the idea that your selling, it has to conform to the characteristics of youth, aesthetics, awareness and ability.
Most people want be told when to start something, but when something has started when most people are not aware, it is harder for them to catch up to that "something." We are told that Purchase College has decided to "Go Green" for the environment, but what examples has it set for those under its influence.
The continuation of my next few blogs will focus on such circumstances in fuller detail and at greater length. Right now, it is a late late night for a man who misses his lover dearly and needs to fall asleep. Until next time, this has been Something Funky. ( this post was written at the point of time after the auther began slipping in and out of sleep )

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