Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here's a scenario. . .

A man named Boy is on his way to class on a sunny day. It isn't just any class. It is a mandatory science class. Nor is it any ordinary day. The clouds are non-existent. The wind, a mere breeze. The temperature is at the perfect medium so that Boy cannot differentiate if it is hotter or colder. It simply just is.

Boy oh boy, our man Boy has a dilemma here. He fears that if he goes to class he will then waste his opportunity to enjoy this beautiful day. On the other hand, he is fearful of the consequences of missing this class. Mind you, Boy did not willingly sign up for this class, it was mandatory for him to take it. And so, Boy was ever so upset on his way to class when he bumped into Miss Mama.

"What's up kid? You look pensive!" cried Mama. Mama always had a way with knowing how Boy was feeling, even without having to speak.
"I don't want to go to class." cried Boy.
"So don't." Mama murmured.
"I don't want to get in trouble, or bad grades, or any of that extra shit either!" Boy barked.
"So go to class then, Bo--"
"Well I know what I Have to do. I see what the Want me to do, but I am having trouble making time for things that I think I Need to do and its getting to me, Mama. Does that make me crazy?"

There was a pause of uncertainty between the two as they both pondered their present day existence. . . Questions like "Am I happy?" and " What's really important to me?" were no floating in the back of each of their minds when Mama said, "It's all relative, Boy."

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Purchase Utopia

Ahh, the sun is shining. People are breathing. Hearts are calmly beating. Circles are forming and dried herbs are rolling. You can hear music in the distance and you follow your way towards the sound. A Frisbee drift into sight, you catch it and throw it back to someone you haven't spoken to yet, but soon will. You find the epicenter of sound is a group of singing people vibrant with color. They invite you to sit on the laid out Ethiopian style blanket to smoke a giant tubed water pipe that they call a Hookah. You do so, why not? After all, it's Purchase College.

Conversation leads you to discuss the weather, the colors of spring, the topless males and the curiosity of whether the females will soon too, be topless. The mood is mellow and the feeling is good. Everyone seems so damn down to Earth here. . .

It makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, here at Purchase College people are walled in. The campus is a box of bricks built right in the middle of nowhere. Conveniently enough, the nowhere that Purchase is located in, is in the in the middle of a busy business world. The matters of the business world that surround SUNY Purchase are of no concern really, because they don't touch us. Again, we are walled in.

Within these walls of Purchase is beauty. People here are attracted to the one thing in this world that seems to keep them sane. This thing is art. To us, art is life and making it will hopefully last a lifetime. Within these walls, on a sunny day, you will be able to observe the sort of Utopia that is the community of Purchase.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

You're Naked

Within the first few weeks of my first semester of Purchase College, myself, along with two friends decided to start up a show on the campus network, PTV. I'm surprised that I haven't mentioned this show yet on my blog. Here is the info. . . PTV (channel 69) at 11:30pm on Tuesday. . .

Our focus was to expose the truths of our young lives in a fictional and funny manner. We thought that this exposure somewhat left us Naked, and hence the television shows title, You're Naked.

The show has no plot, no story-line, and no consistency other than comedy. The show is full of interviews, shorts, discussion and improv.

This link is to our latest hit video, Welcome 2 My Club. We think that it will be pleasing to your senses. Enjoy!