Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Self Image

Life. What a beautiful world we live in! Look at the people walking around. Can you see the beauty? I bet that you can also see the faults that all of these good looks are built upon. After many instances of trial and error, people have found the "right" way to look good. If there is a right way to look "good," then there must also be a "good" way to look "right!"

No, no, no, you say. What is good is dependent of individual perspective. Well, what if what is good is nature, and so, it is of human nature to be subjective and say that something so objective like "good looks" vary and differ from one individual to the next.

Take a look at this photo of me: the one and only, Dan Hartigan.

Let us take a close look at the components of this photograph.

What sticks out to you the most must be the red bandana that is backwards on this curly man's greasy head. Does he look good?

Seeing as he is me, I am fully right in saying this- he is full of mixed feelings. When he wears the bandana like this, he feels comfortable because it holds his poof of a fro down neatly. Also, red is this mans favorite color to wear and he approves of his own fashion. He feels uncomfortable in knowing that if he were to go to a gang infested part of the land, he would be jumped, maybe mugged, maybe killed. He feels mixed up about being comfortable with his image because he knows that even though he sees of himself to look "good," others may not be view and judge that he is dressing "right." In response to this, his thumb turned downwards and he shook the bandana from his head.

Q:Why is it that we cannot be completely comfortable with our images?
A:Because even though someone feels comfortable with their looks, their looks can make a mass of others feel completely unomfortable about the way that person looks. We play off of the vibes that people feed to us.

There is something funky about that!

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