Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Chinese Philosophy - PART V
In Zhuangzi Speaks, Zhuangzi spoke, “Nature is constantly changing, and people have to acknowledge and adapt to these changes. This way, reactions of delight and fear will dissipate, and the distinction between life and death will lose its significance”(Chung 45). There is so much change in this world. The only thing that does not ever change is the fact that everything we perceive is constantly changing. It is written in the Analects that Confucius said, “Only the most intelligent and the most stupid do not change”(Chan 46). With this, he speaks of the changing mindsets that ordinary people have. It would follow then, that the most intelligent and the most stupid of human beings must have no need for plan making. This is so, because in being the most intelligent, there will be no end result to plan for. Great Wisdom will have already been obtained and change is, thus, not necessary. As for the most stupid of human beings, well, they are plainly too ignorant to desire any progress within their present state of mind, so planning ahead will not be necessary, nor conceivable to them. Ignorance truly is bliss.
I am neither the smartest, nor the stupidest of man. I travel through the world with many different, changing mindsets. As Confucius said, “Know what you know and know what you do not know—this then is wisdom”(Ames & Rosemont 79). Within this essay, I planned to argue that making plans for the future is counterproductive. How contradictory! Although this must be seemingly contradictory, take into mind that in writing this essay I planned to not-plan what to write, and in not-planning, my plan was changed. The changes are still being made as I write. The timeframe that each word is released seems to be instantaneous and spontaneous and original. Even if it is spontaneous, when I say what I had not previously planned to say, the instant of my short-lived deliberation between Now and Now will always be planned slightly ahead of the time it is all actually written. Human beings seem to be lost within the desire of constantly fulfilling end results. Since the future is now, it seems to be quite impossible to plan for what is already happening. So why do we make plans? We all intrinsically plan for uncertain ends in order to distract our minds from the one thing that dually exists with life. Death. I will close with yet another quote of Zhuangzi’s that resonates deeply within my mind. He said, “Everyone is afraid of dying, but maybe death will be so great that we’ll end up regretting having ever lived”(Chung 23). Right Now, I plan on enjoying every instant of life that “Nature”, “God”, “Dao”, “Dharma”, “?”, allow me to live, including the infinitely timeless moment of Death.
I am neither the smartest, nor the stupidest of man. I travel through the world with many different, changing mindsets. As Confucius said, “Know what you know and know what you do not know—this then is wisdom”(Ames & Rosemont 79). Within this essay, I planned to argue that making plans for the future is counterproductive. How contradictory! Although this must be seemingly contradictory, take into mind that in writing this essay I planned to not-plan what to write, and in not-planning, my plan was changed. The changes are still being made as I write. The timeframe that each word is released seems to be instantaneous and spontaneous and original. Even if it is spontaneous, when I say what I had not previously planned to say, the instant of my short-lived deliberation between Now and Now will always be planned slightly ahead of the time it is all actually written. Human beings seem to be lost within the desire of constantly fulfilling end results. Since the future is now, it seems to be quite impossible to plan for what is already happening. So why do we make plans? We all intrinsically plan for uncertain ends in order to distract our minds from the one thing that dually exists with life. Death. I will close with yet another quote of Zhuangzi’s that resonates deeply within my mind. He said, “Everyone is afraid of dying, but maybe death will be so great that we’ll end up regretting having ever lived”(Chung 23). Right Now, I plan on enjoying every instant of life that “Nature”, “God”, “Dao”, “Dharma”, “?”, allow me to live, including the infinitely timeless moment of Death.
Chinese Philosophy - PART IV
In being unaffected, one will be tranquil. Tranquility brings clarity. Clarity provides direction towards Truth and Truth is the answer that we are all ceaselessly seeking. In Lao-zi’s book of the Natural Way he argues that, “He who takes an action fails. He who grasps things loses them… He learns to be unlearned, and returns to what the multitude has missed (Dao)”(Chan 170). For many, the idea of living in accordance with the “Dao” or “Nature” seems strange. In modern day, this concept would be considered an “Ancient” viewpoint. Nature, however, is eternal and knows no Time. Time is a human construct that disables us from noticing that past, present and future are not separated, but instead, that they are in flux with the eternal Now. By noticing this, Now one will recognize that what was once modern is Now Ancient and what is Now Ancient was once Modern, and in the future today’s ideas will seem Ancient. Ideas, however, are eternal. How?
Well, in the words of the Buddhist school of Hua-Yen, “Because all these periods are originally formed from an instant. Since they establish each other, both lack substance or nature. Because an instant has no substance, it penetrates the infinitely long periods, and because these periods have no substance, they are fully contained in a single instance. Since both the instant and the long periods have no substance, the characters of length and shortness are naturally harmonized”(Chan 423). From the instant of birth we begin moving forward chronologically until the instant we die. Each instant that is lived is lasting a lifetime, even within the moment that is instantaneous death. By living for the future and relating to the past we lose hold of what exists within this present moment. Right now, you are reading. You are still reading. Keep reading and try not to stray away into thinking about life and death. For, life and death are things of Nature and Nature is in a constant, impenetrable flux.
Well, in the words of the Buddhist school of Hua-Yen, “Because all these periods are originally formed from an instant. Since they establish each other, both lack substance or nature. Because an instant has no substance, it penetrates the infinitely long periods, and because these periods have no substance, they are fully contained in a single instance. Since both the instant and the long periods have no substance, the characters of length and shortness are naturally harmonized”(Chan 423). From the instant of birth we begin moving forward chronologically until the instant we die. Each instant that is lived is lasting a lifetime, even within the moment that is instantaneous death. By living for the future and relating to the past we lose hold of what exists within this present moment. Right now, you are reading. You are still reading. Keep reading and try not to stray away into thinking about life and death. For, life and death are things of Nature and Nature is in a constant, impenetrable flux.
Chinese Philosophy - PART III
If the question of whether or not making plans for the future is counterproductive is concrete, subsequently, the infinite answers to the question must be vague and moldable. The plans that human beings seem to create in their minds are full of deliberation. Within the text of Zhuangzi Speaks, the Master says, “When pursuing an ambition, it is easy to set our sights forward, forgetting the danger lurking behind”(Chung 84). In seeking a goal for the future, people lose track of what is going on around them, and in turn, are troubled with adapting to the circumstances at hand. How can we adapt? In a world of constant change, it seems hard to keep up with the random transformations going on in society. When worried about driving to school in a blizzard, the anxiety is void of any purposeful relevance. One worries about the negative affect that not going to school will have on ones grade, and is, thus, ultimately concerned about not being able to impress ones grades upon a future employer. Zhuangzi noticed that, “The laws of man are temporal, or at least transitional. If Universal peace is to be achieved, we must follow the Laws of Nature, or Dao”(Chung 47). By going through life without understanding the Laws of Nature, ones car will be blown into an ice-cold snow bank. The class will go on in the schoolhouse just as life will go on for those trapped in the ice-cold snow bank. The best thing is to find security within ones own given circumstances and base every waking decision on what is provided by Nature.
If school is in session but there is fear of a pandemic, do not go to school when having fear of the disease. Many philosophers understand that the “disease” of knowledge can be frightening. If something frightens us, it also discourages us. When discouraged about the future, humans tend to make goals and set plans to ensure a beneficial future. How can we know that the future is ensured? In a conversation between an enlightened master named Quangchengzi and the Yellow Emperor, the Master asked, “Don’t you understand that to use our intellect to change things only makes matter worse?”(Chung 53). In response to this Zhuangzi commented, “…don’t think with your mind, embrace the primal One, no knowledge, no self, go with nature, participate in nature, be one with nature, and a long life will come Naturally”(Chung 53). To live life with nature and as nature means to transcend all things previously learned. If one is told that studying economics is more intelligent than studying art or philosophy, one must laugh and continue walking through the world unaffected by erroneous thought.
If school is in session but there is fear of a pandemic, do not go to school when having fear of the disease. Many philosophers understand that the “disease” of knowledge can be frightening. If something frightens us, it also discourages us. When discouraged about the future, humans tend to make goals and set plans to ensure a beneficial future. How can we know that the future is ensured? In a conversation between an enlightened master named Quangchengzi and the Yellow Emperor, the Master asked, “Don’t you understand that to use our intellect to change things only makes matter worse?”(Chung 53). In response to this Zhuangzi commented, “…don’t think with your mind, embrace the primal One, no knowledge, no self, go with nature, participate in nature, be one with nature, and a long life will come Naturally”(Chung 53). To live life with nature and as nature means to transcend all things previously learned. If one is told that studying economics is more intelligent than studying art or philosophy, one must laugh and continue walking through the world unaffected by erroneous thought.
Chinese Philosophy - PART II
How does any of this relate to Chinese Philosophy? The most pervading concepts of Chinese Philosophy seem to be derived from the desire to describe the indescribable and to define the indefinable. Many Chinese Philosophers, such as Confucius, Lao-zi, Zhuang-zi, the Legalists, and Hua-Yen were able to question the ways of humankind and provide brilliant results. To each philosopher, there was a permeating idea that remained out of their grasp. This idea was seen as universal. Being universal, it is beyond words, however, this idea is said, with words, to be the “Nature of things.” All things possess this Nature and Nature possesses all things. Chinese Philosophers believed that this force is eternal. Even the totalitarian ideals of the Legalists came to acknowledge this concept by stating, “What is eternal has neither change nor any definite particular principle itself”(Chan 261). The legalist doctrine of Han Fei Tzu attempts to act immediately in response to the “…profound vacuity and utilize its operation everywhere”(Chan 261).
What is the It that is so commonly spoken of in Chinese Philosophy? It is what Confucius called Tian, Lao-zi called Dao, and Hua-Yen, called Dharma. These terms are all related and similar in that they are all attempts toward the definition of the “Mandate of Heaven and Earth”(Ames & Rosemont 27), “the all-embracing quality of the great virtue”(Chan 150), and it is said that It is “obscured by petty biases”(Chan 182), and “free from attachment”(Chan 412). These descriptions ranged from early Confucian views and strung through modern Zen Buddhist schools of thought. What seems to be permeating throughout all schools is the Natural Way. This Natural Way does not itself change, but instead changes everything of Nature. This is Truth. This is Truth because it is Universal. What is Truth is Universal and what is Universal is Truth.
What is the It that is so commonly spoken of in Chinese Philosophy? It is what Confucius called Tian, Lao-zi called Dao, and Hua-Yen, called Dharma. These terms are all related and similar in that they are all attempts toward the definition of the “Mandate of Heaven and Earth”(Ames & Rosemont 27), “the all-embracing quality of the great virtue”(Chan 150), and it is said that It is “obscured by petty biases”(Chan 182), and “free from attachment”(Chan 412). These descriptions ranged from early Confucian views and strung through modern Zen Buddhist schools of thought. What seems to be permeating throughout all schools is the Natural Way. This Natural Way does not itself change, but instead changes everything of Nature. This is Truth. This is Truth because it is Universal. What is Truth is Universal and what is Universal is Truth.
Chinese Philosophy - PART I
In this essay I will argue that making plans for the future is counterproductive. How is this so? This is so because I say it is so. If, on the contrary, one says that it is not so, then it is not so. Now that it can be so and can also be not so simultaneously, the argument is neither true, nor is it false. The argument simply is. Since it is, it is open to an infinite amount of judgment. Each individual judgment will then, in turn, be open to an infinite amount of opposing arguments. The one question leads to innumerable amounts of separate answers, and the many answers all lead back to the one question. My answer, whether it convinces you or not, can be nothing other than truth to me. What is truth? Truth is discernable to the individual but indescribable to the masses. Truth is a product of knowledge that generates an answer. Knowledge is a product of truth that generates many answers. My knowledge of the Truth is little, but what is true to me is the value I put into what I am learning and practicing. Within this practice of writing about my grasp of ancient Chinese philosophy and the impact it has had on me, I plan to generate a strong, true and universal answer to the question of, whether or not, planning is counterproductive.
To make a plan is to organize for an end result. A result is something impenetrable, and being impenetrable, it must be unchangeable and definite. When the result is obtained, a new plan will be made and a new result will be aimed at. This is the way of human beings. Human life is flustered with a cyclical pattern that consists of the birth and death of plans. I plan to write this. Now I plan to write this. The words I chose to write don’t seem to come from the wind, or from the stars, but from the thought of what I think should be said next. The words I am choosing for this present sentence took extra planning, some were erased and some added, and in the end, the simple sentence I planned to write became rigid and confusing for you to read. It is the immediate, spontaneous decisions we make that enable us to move swiftly through life, or essay writing.
To make a plan is to organize for an end result. A result is something impenetrable, and being impenetrable, it must be unchangeable and definite. When the result is obtained, a new plan will be made and a new result will be aimed at. This is the way of human beings. Human life is flustered with a cyclical pattern that consists of the birth and death of plans. I plan to write this. Now I plan to write this. The words I chose to write don’t seem to come from the wind, or from the stars, but from the thought of what I think should be said next. The words I am choosing for this present sentence took extra planning, some were erased and some added, and in the end, the simple sentence I planned to write became rigid and confusing for you to read. It is the immediate, spontaneous decisions we make that enable us to move swiftly through life, or essay writing.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Here's a scenario. . .
A man named Boy is on his way to class on a sunny day. It isn't just any class. It is a mandatory science class. Nor is it any ordinary day. The clouds are non-existent. The wind, a mere breeze. The temperature is at the perfect medium so that Boy cannot differentiate if it is hotter or colder. It simply just is.
Boy oh boy, our man Boy has a dilemma here. He fears that if he goes to class he will then waste his opportunity to enjoy this beautiful day. On the other hand, he is fearful of the consequences of missing this class. Mind you, Boy did not willingly sign up for this class, it was mandatory for him to take it. And so, Boy was ever so upset on his way to class when he bumped into Miss Mama.
"What's up kid? You look pensive!" cried Mama. Mama always had a way with knowing how Boy was feeling, even without having to speak.
"I don't want to go to class." cried Boy.
"So don't." Mama murmured.
"I don't want to get in trouble, or bad grades, or any of that extra shit either!" Boy barked.
"So go to class then, Bo--"
"Well I know what I Have to do. I see what the Want me to do, but I am having trouble making time for things that I think I Need to do and its getting to me, Mama. Does that make me crazy?"
There was a pause of uncertainty between the two as they both pondered their present day existence. . . Questions like "Am I happy?" and " What's really important to me?" were no floating in the back of each of their minds when Mama said, "It's all relative, Boy."
A man named Boy is on his way to class on a sunny day. It isn't just any class. It is a mandatory science class. Nor is it any ordinary day. The clouds are non-existent. The wind, a mere breeze. The temperature is at the perfect medium so that Boy cannot differentiate if it is hotter or colder. It simply just is.
Boy oh boy, our man Boy has a dilemma here. He fears that if he goes to class he will then waste his opportunity to enjoy this beautiful day. On the other hand, he is fearful of the consequences of missing this class. Mind you, Boy did not willingly sign up for this class, it was mandatory for him to take it. And so, Boy was ever so upset on his way to class when he bumped into Miss Mama.
"What's up kid? You look pensive!" cried Mama. Mama always had a way with knowing how Boy was feeling, even without having to speak.
"I don't want to go to class." cried Boy.
"So don't." Mama murmured.
"I don't want to get in trouble, or bad grades, or any of that extra shit either!" Boy barked.
"So go to class then, Bo--"
"Well I know what I Have to do. I see what the Want me to do, but I am having trouble making time for things that I think I Need to do and its getting to me, Mama. Does that make me crazy?"
There was a pause of uncertainty between the two as they both pondered their present day existence. . . Questions like "Am I happy?" and " What's really important to me?" were no floating in the back of each of their minds when Mama said, "It's all relative, Boy."
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Purchase Utopia
Ahh, the sun is shining. People are breathing. Hearts are calmly beating. Circles are forming and dried herbs are rolling. You can hear music in the distance and you follow your way towards the sound. A Frisbee drift into sight, you catch it and throw it back to someone you haven't spoken to yet, but soon will. You find the epicenter of sound is a group of singing people vibrant with color. They invite you to sit on the laid out Ethiopian style blanket to smoke a giant tubed water pipe that they call a Hookah. You do so, why not? After all, it's Purchase College.
Conversation leads you to discuss the weather, the colors of spring, the topless males and the curiosity of whether the females will soon too, be topless. The mood is mellow and the feeling is good. Everyone seems so damn down to Earth here. . .
It makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, here at Purchase College people are walled in. The campus is a box of bricks built right in the middle of nowhere. Conveniently enough, the nowhere that Purchase is located in, is in the in the middle of a busy business world. The matters of the business world that surround SUNY Purchase are of no concern really, because they don't touch us. Again, we are walled in.
Within these walls of Purchase is beauty. People here are attracted to the one thing in this world that seems to keep them sane. This thing is art. To us, art is life and making it will hopefully last a lifetime. Within these walls, on a sunny day, you will be able to observe the sort of Utopia that is the community of Purchase.
Conversation leads you to discuss the weather, the colors of spring, the topless males and the curiosity of whether the females will soon too, be topless. The mood is mellow and the feeling is good. Everyone seems so damn down to Earth here. . .
It makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, here at Purchase College people are walled in. The campus is a box of bricks built right in the middle of nowhere. Conveniently enough, the nowhere that Purchase is located in, is in the in the middle of a busy business world. The matters of the business world that surround SUNY Purchase are of no concern really, because they don't touch us. Again, we are walled in.
Within these walls of Purchase is beauty. People here are attracted to the one thing in this world that seems to keep them sane. This thing is art. To us, art is life and making it will hopefully last a lifetime. Within these walls, on a sunny day, you will be able to observe the sort of Utopia that is the community of Purchase.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
You're Naked
Within the first few weeks of my first semester of Purchase College, myself, along with two friends decided to start up a show on the campus network, PTV. I'm surprised that I haven't mentioned this show yet on my blog. Here is the info. . . PTV (channel 69) at 11:30pm on Tuesday. . .
Our focus was to expose the truths of our young lives in a fictional and funny manner. We thought that this exposure somewhat left us Naked, and hence the television shows title, You're Naked.
The show has no plot, no story-line, and no consistency other than comedy. The show is full of interviews, shorts, discussion and improv.
This link is to our latest hit video, Welcome 2 My Club. We think that it will be pleasing to your senses. Enjoy!
Our focus was to expose the truths of our young lives in a fictional and funny manner. We thought that this exposure somewhat left us Naked, and hence the television shows title, You're Naked.
The show has no plot, no story-line, and no consistency other than comedy. The show is full of interviews, shorts, discussion and improv.
This link is to our latest hit video, Welcome 2 My Club. We think that it will be pleasing to your senses. Enjoy!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rubber Gloved on Culture Shock
This past Tuesday, I attended a meeting for the Purchase College annual festival "Culture Shock." At most, I was made aware that Mr Jeff Levin, the head organizer of this years festival, has diverted the focus for Culture Shock.
First: a brief bit of Jeff's recent history--
Jeff was nearly impeached from his position on the Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) when fellow students were sick of being left in the dark about the upcoming music festival. People wanted to know what bands were coming to preform and Jeff replied, giving a skeleton that lacked a backbone. His lineup is incomplete. I could talk about this issue all day, but to give you an idea, here is Jeff's most recent updated schedule for the quickly approaching festival on April 16. . .
Jeff Levin, if you are reading this Jeff, Mr. Levin, please know that forming a committee would have been a great idea for this festival. This thing is much bigger than you, or I, Jeff Levin. It is something that all students, faculty, and any interested mind will be a part of, and you, Jeff Levin, you took this all into your own hands without shaking those of your peers and asking them about the diversity that this multifaceted, multicultural campus expects in Culture Shock. I don't see what took you so long to understand that setting up meetings is vital to the health of organizing a large event. At this meeting you asked us if we were "O.K." with the decisions you made about the theme, stage placements, and selected bands. Well that was nice of you to do, I'll admit, but doing it this close to the end of the line is not helpful to us. It wouldn't make sense to change the lineup NOW, it is far too late. If you reached out your hand for help months ago Jeff, the campus would have "high-fived" you for it. Instead, we've noticed the clams in your hands after months of sweating this out, and now the success or failure of this festival is all on you.
In a recent editorial in The Purchase Independent, staff writer Chris Vaughan asked Jeff Levin a series of questions such as,
"How do you think Culture Shock has come together the past couple of weeks?"
A: "It is getting there. The impeachment set things back but it gave me more motivation. The line-up now is as diverse as I wanted it to be."
(As diverse as HE wanted it, not US. . . Interesting)
"Is Culture Shock different in any way this year?"
A: "Basically the Carnival two stages and the rides. Just the overall theme."
(Yes. The Carnival is a good idea for a theme. It will distract everyone for the time period while bands are preforming so no one will notice the bands that didn't show up)
Well I am glad that we can be entertained by this:

Since Jeff Levin has given up on this:

. . . I hate to be such a damming critic, Jeff Levin, but you fucked up.
First: a brief bit of Jeff's recent history--
Jeff was nearly impeached from his position on the Purchase Student Government Association (PSGA) when fellow students were sick of being left in the dark about the upcoming music festival. People wanted to know what bands were coming to preform and Jeff replied, giving a skeleton that lacked a backbone. His lineup is incomplete. I could talk about this issue all day, but to give you an idea, here is Jeff's most recent updated schedule for the quickly approaching festival on April 16. . .
Culture Shock 09' Lineup:
(tentative)= contracts are in, but not signed for yet.
Streetlight Manifesto (tentative)
The Red Chord
Paper Route
Murphys Law (Tentative)
Light Pollution
The Cool Kids (tentative)
The Dear Hunter
Margot and the nuclear so and sos
The Paper Raincoat
The Tallest Man on Earth (tentative)
Bread and Puppet Theater
Kiss Kiss
After party
Jeff Levin, if you are reading this Jeff, Mr. Levin, please know that forming a committee would have been a great idea for this festival. This thing is much bigger than you, or I, Jeff Levin. It is something that all students, faculty, and any interested mind will be a part of, and you, Jeff Levin, you took this all into your own hands without shaking those of your peers and asking them about the diversity that this multifaceted, multicultural campus expects in Culture Shock. I don't see what took you so long to understand that setting up meetings is vital to the health of organizing a large event. At this meeting you asked us if we were "O.K." with the decisions you made about the theme, stage placements, and selected bands. Well that was nice of you to do, I'll admit, but doing it this close to the end of the line is not helpful to us. It wouldn't make sense to change the lineup NOW, it is far too late. If you reached out your hand for help months ago Jeff, the campus would have "high-fived" you for it. Instead, we've noticed the clams in your hands after months of sweating this out, and now the success or failure of this festival is all on you.
In a recent editorial in The Purchase Independent, staff writer Chris Vaughan asked Jeff Levin a series of questions such as,
"How do you think Culture Shock has come together the past couple of weeks?"
A: "It is getting there. The impeachment set things back but it gave me more motivation. The line-up now is as diverse as I wanted it to be."
(As diverse as HE wanted it, not US. . . Interesting)
"Is Culture Shock different in any way this year?"
A: "Basically the Carnival two stages and the rides. Just the overall theme."
(Yes. The Carnival is a good idea for a theme. It will distract everyone for the time period while bands are preforming so no one will notice the bands that didn't show up)
Well I am glad that we can be entertained by this:
Since Jeff Levin has given up on this:

. . . I hate to be such a damming critic, Jeff Levin, but you fucked up.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Self Image
Life. What a beautiful world we live in! Look at the people walking around. Can you see the beauty? I bet that you can also see the faults that all of these good looks are built upon. After many instances of trial and error, people have found the "right" way to look good. If there is a right way to look "good," then there must also be a "good" way to look "right!"
No, no, no, you say. What is good is dependent of individual perspective. Well, what if what is good is nature, and so, it is of human nature to be subjective and say that something so objective like "good looks" vary and differ from one individual to the next.
Take a look at this photo of me: the one and only, Dan Hartigan.
Let us take a close look at the components of this photograph.
What sticks out to you the most must be the red bandana that is backwards on this curly man's greasy head. Does he look good?
Seeing as he is me, I am fully right in saying this- he is full of mixed feelings. When he wears the bandana like this, he feels comfortable because it holds his poof of a fro down neatly. Also, red is this mans favorite color to wear and he approves of his own fashion. He feels uncomfortable in knowing that if he were to go to a gang infested part of the land, he would be jumped, maybe mugged, maybe killed. He feels mixed up about being comfortable with his image because he knows that even though he sees of himself to look "good," others may not be view and judge that he is dressing "right." In response to this, his thumb turned downwards and he shook the bandana from his head.
Q:Why is it that we cannot be completely comfortable with our images?
A:Because even though someone feels comfortable with their looks, their looks can make a mass of others feel completely unomfortable about the way that person looks. We play off of the vibes that people feed to us.
There is something funky about that!
No, no, no, you say. What is good is dependent of individual perspective. Well, what if what is good is nature, and so, it is of human nature to be subjective and say that something so objective like "good looks" vary and differ from one individual to the next.
Take a look at this photo of me: the one and only, Dan Hartigan.

Let us take a close look at the components of this photograph.
What sticks out to you the most must be the red bandana that is backwards on this curly man's greasy head. Does he look good?
Seeing as he is me, I am fully right in saying this- he is full of mixed feelings. When he wears the bandana like this, he feels comfortable because it holds his poof of a fro down neatly. Also, red is this mans favorite color to wear and he approves of his own fashion. He feels uncomfortable in knowing that if he were to go to a gang infested part of the land, he would be jumped, maybe mugged, maybe killed. He feels mixed up about being comfortable with his image because he knows that even though he sees of himself to look "good," others may not be view and judge that he is dressing "right." In response to this, his thumb turned downwards and he shook the bandana from his head.
Q:Why is it that we cannot be completely comfortable with our images?
A:Because even though someone feels comfortable with their looks, their looks can make a mass of others feel completely unomfortable about the way that person looks. We play off of the vibes that people feed to us.
There is something funky about that!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bring it Back
I've been having trouble focusing. . .
My thoughts, lately, are scattered like haiku.
I am trying to find a rhythm to ride.
This blog, thus far, has been me streaming my consciousness.
That's not the theme I want to pervade. I'm looking for the Funk.
Where is the Funk?
It's time to get back on track. The ticking hand of the clock is circling around and round, and I have yet to mention true Funk. So, it is time to change my B-log-ger ways. It's time to find the funk.
Funk is unity. So, people, let's bring it together. If you're reading this and you know some independent artists that have funky grooves, contact me (eggcostume@gmail). I want to rake in the real feel that funk music provides, upload it to my web-page, and display the artist's bio. My hope is to get bring the funk back. I'll need your help. I am looking for YOU.
I want this world to be a funkier place.
My thoughts, lately, are scattered like haiku.
I am trying to find a rhythm to ride.
This blog, thus far, has been me streaming my consciousness.
That's not the theme I want to pervade. I'm looking for the Funk.
Where is the Funk?
It's time to get back on track. The ticking hand of the clock is circling around and round, and I have yet to mention true Funk. So, it is time to change my B-log-ger ways. It's time to find the funk.
Funk is unity. So, people, let's bring it together. If you're reading this and you know some independent artists that have funky grooves, contact me (eggcostume@gmail). I want to rake in the real feel that funk music provides, upload it to my web-page, and display the artist's bio. My hope is to get bring the funk back. I'll need your help. I am looking for YOU.
I want this world to be a funkier place.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
And -- Action!
The camera is rolling. Life is but a string of scenes. A straight shot tied from birth, all the way back around to death. Every person you know plays a supporting role in your story. You're nice, and you do the same for them. Sometimes, you notice the "extra" in the back, with a luminous exuberance about them. They are not part of your story, but you make a note of them. There is simply something about these people that seemingly catch your attention. What is this attributing "something" that lights them up? Simple. It's called "Presence."
Presence is what you notice. Presence is what most people notice. Positive Presence is the key to fame. I mean, what else is fame than being noticed by most of the masses?
With positive Presence present in your life, your string of scenes could be benefited greatly. No more falling actions. No more boring isolation scenes. No more redundant drama. You could be the focus of all the scenes taking place within your surroundings. Your presence could overwhelm so many people and turn them on to take interest in your story-line. Shit, your life-movie just turned into a thriller/comedy/romance.
Lets keep it positive people. Be ourselves. Encourage those around us to do the same. If you're shy, that's fine. Just be positive, I'll pay attention. You're always present, even if your presence is muffled by shyness. Lets just keep it cool people. Stay open-minded. Step onto stage, look your audience in the eyes. make your claim, support your cause, and resolve issues. Accept that we are all different, and that, that is what makes us the same. Do these things. Bow. Smile and watch the curtain close as the crowd cheers with acceptance. For, what is the point of living life if you have no life to give? Make sure you have a positive Presence. That is all.
And-- Scene!
Presence is what you notice. Presence is what most people notice. Positive Presence is the key to fame. I mean, what else is fame than being noticed by most of the masses?
With positive Presence present in your life, your string of scenes could be benefited greatly. No more falling actions. No more boring isolation scenes. No more redundant drama. You could be the focus of all the scenes taking place within your surroundings. Your presence could overwhelm so many people and turn them on to take interest in your story-line. Shit, your life-movie just turned into a thriller/comedy/romance.
Lets keep it positive people. Be ourselves. Encourage those around us to do the same. If you're shy, that's fine. Just be positive, I'll pay attention. You're always present, even if your presence is muffled by shyness. Lets just keep it cool people. Stay open-minded. Step onto stage, look your audience in the eyes. make your claim, support your cause, and resolve issues. Accept that we are all different, and that, that is what makes us the same. Do these things. Bow. Smile and watch the curtain close as the crowd cheers with acceptance. For, what is the point of living life if you have no life to give? Make sure you have a positive Presence. That is all.
And-- Scene!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
We see that it's here, but do we care?
Wake up. Get out of bed. Devote this day to observation. Look around you. What do you see and how do you feel about it?
I see a sidewalk riddled with cigarette butts. I smell smoke in the air. I taste the paste of humidity. And, just standing outside my dorm room I notice scattered soda cans and beer bottles that twist around with the leaves. I can just imagine the night that ended with those empties. By envisioning the state that these few friends most likely were in, I see that they must have been enjoying themselves and feeling funky. I don't like to litter. I do understand, however, that these boozing buddies were nowhere near a recycling bin. On an even stranger note, the nearest garbage can would have been a five minute walk, and we all know that if you're a student walking any lengthy amount of distance with a handful of empties, people are going to think you're up to something funky.
So in this certain situation, the riddle of litter that I spotted must have spawned from the initial fear of getting busted. It was the fear of authority crashing down on their inhibition to do what is right for the environment. On the same note, it was the authority that did not properly place garbage and recycling bins on the Purchase Campus. There are a slim 3 garbage cans in the quad. Three cans for four buildings flooded with lazy, hungry and hurried students that are doing their best to digest the polluted beauty that is, Purchase College.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love this school. The people here are great. So many of us here have a drive towards making a difference. On a nice day, you can find hundreds of students making friends and memories under the heat of the sun. People chatting it up. Hippy jam sessions. Circles of people sitting on the grass puffing intellect into the air around them. You can smell the good times that roll around this campus.
All around the quad, you can see it. Garbage. Why? Maybe because there are hundreds of hungry and hurried college students living in a consumer world wrapped up in paper or plastic that are all trying to find a place to throw their garbage away. That brings a problem. There are only three garbage cans in the quad. There is something funky about that.
I see a sidewalk riddled with cigarette butts. I smell smoke in the air. I taste the paste of humidity. And, just standing outside my dorm room I notice scattered soda cans and beer bottles that twist around with the leaves. I can just imagine the night that ended with those empties. By envisioning the state that these few friends most likely were in, I see that they must have been enjoying themselves and feeling funky. I don't like to litter. I do understand, however, that these boozing buddies were nowhere near a recycling bin. On an even stranger note, the nearest garbage can would have been a five minute walk, and we all know that if you're a student walking any lengthy amount of distance with a handful of empties, people are going to think you're up to something funky.
So in this certain situation, the riddle of litter that I spotted must have spawned from the initial fear of getting busted. It was the fear of authority crashing down on their inhibition to do what is right for the environment. On the same note, it was the authority that did not properly place garbage and recycling bins on the Purchase Campus. There are a slim 3 garbage cans in the quad. Three cans for four buildings flooded with lazy, hungry and hurried students that are doing their best to digest the polluted beauty that is, Purchase College.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love this school. The people here are great. So many of us here have a drive towards making a difference. On a nice day, you can find hundreds of students making friends and memories under the heat of the sun. People chatting it up. Hippy jam sessions. Circles of people sitting on the grass puffing intellect into the air around them. You can smell the good times that roll around this campus.
All around the quad, you can see it. Garbage. Why? Maybe because there are hundreds of hungry and hurried college students living in a consumer world wrapped up in paper or plastic that are all trying to find a place to throw their garbage away. That brings a problem. There are only three garbage cans in the quad. There is something funky about that.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Purchase '08/'09 Theme -- Environment
Just in case you were not already aware; the Purchase College Association annually indicates the combined fall and spring semesters with an adjoining theme. Just in case you were wondering; this years theme, that was shamelessly selected, is now "Environment." Yes! I knew this funky campus could take a stand against the negetive effects of Global Warming. How far did human-kind have to come to get to the state of realization that we presently are?
RAH-RAH - - The big bang surfaced an explosion that spread a riptide of energetic continuation. . . Some time passes. . . Harnessing philosophy and mathematics, humans were able to produce electrifying results. An infinite amount of possibile hypotheses with an infinite amount of results can lead to two things: mass insanity or mass sanity. If we were sane, we would tame the environment and if we were insane, we would let the dying world perish. Purchase College claims to want to help the Environment.
So logically, if somebody wanted to help the environment, then they would want to recycle their aluminum, paper and plastic products back into circulation. This idea is somehow blatantly common-knowledge. The simple concept of seeing paper, plastic and aluminum as recyclable natural resources seens almost hereditary to know at this point in the modern world. An innumerable account of discoveries in human history have zipped into consciousness as substantial and zipped out as plainly rhetorical ideas. ZING - - gone with the wind.
FLASH - - A light bulb! VROOM - - the engine! BOOM - - the A-Bomb. MmM - - the ipod. Oh, how I wonder what the onomatopoeia for "onomotapoeia" would be. The sweet harmony of sound is righteous. Therefore, whoever enjoys the sweet harmony of sound is a righteous being.
What of when the harmony is disturbed? I could stray many varied ways with that question, but instead, I will start by mentioning the harmony of life that I've noticed on Earth. Life beyond humans. Life that encompasses all things living on Earth. If this balance is broken into bits of rubble by pollution, then the ozone layer will deplete to a degree of unsustainability that will conclude inevitably that the Earth's harmony has been disturbed. Laziness. Such events could be prevented so long as the environment was kept clean. Humans must consciously help clean! Cleansliness means healthiness and if this world is clean then there will be no further concern regarding the health problems that planet Earth faces. You think Cancer's bad? Imagine how the intire planet would feel during it's undergoing of cardiac-arrest! Far out, I know.
Environmental friendliness is at its peak right now within the minds of most Americans. Purchase College is stepping up to the plate as a University and saying, "Yes we can help make a difference." It is a good initial start to say that making a difference is on the menu, but to actually cook up a delicious recipe to enthuse people into buying the idea that your selling, it has to conform to the characteristics of youth, aesthetics, awareness and ability.
Most people want be told when to start something, but when something has started when most people are not aware, it is harder for them to catch up to that "something." We are told that Purchase College has decided to "Go Green" for the environment, but what examples has it set for those under its influence.
The continuation of my next few blogs will focus on such circumstances in fuller detail and at greater length. Right now, it is a late late night for a man who misses his lover dearly and needs to fall asleep. Until next time, this has been Something Funky. ( this post was written at the point of time after the auther began slipping in and out of sleep )
RAH-RAH - - The big bang surfaced an explosion that spread a riptide of energetic continuation. . . Some time passes. . . Harnessing philosophy and mathematics, humans were able to produce electrifying results. An infinite amount of possibile hypotheses with an infinite amount of results can lead to two things: mass insanity or mass sanity. If we were sane, we would tame the environment and if we were insane, we would let the dying world perish. Purchase College claims to want to help the Environment.
So logically, if somebody wanted to help the environment, then they would want to recycle their aluminum, paper and plastic products back into circulation. This idea is somehow blatantly common-knowledge. The simple concept of seeing paper, plastic and aluminum as recyclable natural resources seens almost hereditary to know at this point in the modern world. An innumerable account of discoveries in human history have zipped into consciousness as substantial and zipped out as plainly rhetorical ideas. ZING - - gone with the wind.
FLASH - - A light bulb! VROOM - - the engine! BOOM - - the A-Bomb. MmM - - the ipod. Oh, how I wonder what the onomatopoeia for "onomotapoeia" would be. The sweet harmony of sound is righteous. Therefore, whoever enjoys the sweet harmony of sound is a righteous being.
What of when the harmony is disturbed? I could stray many varied ways with that question, but instead, I will start by mentioning the harmony of life that I've noticed on Earth. Life beyond humans. Life that encompasses all things living on Earth. If this balance is broken into bits of rubble by pollution, then the ozone layer will deplete to a degree of unsustainability that will conclude inevitably that the Earth's harmony has been disturbed. Laziness. Such events could be prevented so long as the environment was kept clean. Humans must consciously help clean! Cleansliness means healthiness and if this world is clean then there will be no further concern regarding the health problems that planet Earth faces. You think Cancer's bad? Imagine how the intire planet would feel during it's undergoing of cardiac-arrest! Far out, I know.
Environmental friendliness is at its peak right now within the minds of most Americans. Purchase College is stepping up to the plate as a University and saying, "Yes we can help make a difference." It is a good initial start to say that making a difference is on the menu, but to actually cook up a delicious recipe to enthuse people into buying the idea that your selling, it has to conform to the characteristics of youth, aesthetics, awareness and ability.
Most people want be told when to start something, but when something has started when most people are not aware, it is harder for them to catch up to that "something." We are told that Purchase College has decided to "Go Green" for the environment, but what examples has it set for those under its influence.
The continuation of my next few blogs will focus on such circumstances in fuller detail and at greater length. Right now, it is a late late night for a man who misses his lover dearly and needs to fall asleep. Until next time, this has been Something Funky. ( this post was written at the point of time after the auther began slipping in and out of sleep )
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